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Enjoying taking photos, blogging and travelling on NB Hallmark .

Sunday 2 May 2010

Rain pours down on Thames

Rain pouring down at Bells of Ouzeley

There was plenty of rain overnight. The tow path alongside Hallmark was soon more mud than path.  It was horrible as the rain blew as the wind gust. The river flow had really increased over night.
I sat tight till about 2.00pm and as things weather wise seemed to be improving decided to move back to Staines.  Opposite Hallmark’s mooring are three large houseboats.  One of these pictured here.
Sailing barge at Bells of Ouzeley

Round house on river bank near Staines

I was togged up in my full wet weather gear and that was eventually enough to slow the rain fall and for the clouds to clear!   There are always stunning properties on river banks.  None more than the round three story home here or the large Runnymede Hotel alongside Bell Weir lock.
Hotel at Runnymead by Bells Weir lock

There are plenty of places to moor in Staines both above and below the road bridge.  A couple of noisy ones were rejected although the pontoon alongside the Swan Hotel seemed a real possibility.  I opted for one near the Old Town Hall.
Staines Road bridge
Hallmark moored at Staines

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