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Enjoying taking photos, blogging and travelling on NB Hallmark .

Saturday 21 May 2011

Banbury to Cropredy

4 Locks:  5.5 Miles

As soon as Hallmark was fixed I was underway heading for Cropredy.
First past a place to buy diesel (which was closed) and then lines of boats.

Hallmark was soon cruising again in the Oxfordshire countryside.
Everything was so green and mostly unspoilt.

There were boats about but I ended up doing all four locks with no help.
Not a problem .............as I have become bold enough to put Hallmark's on the front gate plate as I open one of the front paddles.
All so easy with no ropes to tie or adjust.
However since Banbury Lock the one back gate become two and increases the walking round the lock

Disaster at Slat Mill Lock some how a flick of the bow rope sees my chimney pot plunge to the bottom of the lock. No amount of searching with the magnet locates it
I'll just have get another at Fenny and add a little chain!
Pace through the locks seemed slow and Hallmark 'played catch up' with two walkers heading for  Croperdy Interestingly this was a 'day off' from there long distance walk on the Macmillian Way which runs from The Wash to Dorset
Cropredy was magic.
The narrows and then the lock.

Finding a seven or 14 day mooring proved more difficult than I thought.
So I decided on stopping initially on a 24 hour mooring searching on foot later.
Here is where Hallmark finally moored almost at the next lock.

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