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Enjoying taking photos, blogging and travelling on NB Hallmark .

Sunday 3 October 2010

An afternoon with no rain

I got to Hallmark around 2.00pm and amazingly the weekend rain immediately stops.
It is all meant of course!
Hallmark is due to go to Laleham next week for a good check over after the summer cruise so I thought I ought to give the engine a bit of clean down.
No way would I have got the back cover off and lifted the engine boards when the rain was pouring down like it had been all morning and yesterday too.
It all went well.  Gunk and rags did a great job.
I decide to walk down and see if the owner of Emmanus was around.
Sadly she wasn't.
It would have been good to chat and say bon-voyage as she is about to head off to Bristol via the Kennet and Avon.  Maybe I'll catch her next week.
Meanwhile the boat looks rather good in the calm evening as the day draws to an end. .

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